Как учени установиха, че допълнителна чаша кафе на ден помага да отслабнем!☕


Пиенето на една допълнителна чаша кафе дневно може да помогне за леко отслабване за четиригодишен период, установиха американски учени. Добавянето на сметана или ядково мляко не се отразява на теглото, вероятно защото засищат повече заради съдържащите се в тях протеини и мазнини. Но само лъжичка захар води до напълняване. 

@mackasaur Here’s why you should drink coffee every day for weight loss. #weightloss #coffee #caffeine ♬ Cornfield Chase - Hans Zimmer

Смята се, че пиенето на течности създава усещане за ситост и това може да намали приеманите калории през деня.  Промените са по-значими при млади хора с наднормено тегло или затлъстяване.  Отслабването от допълнителната чаша кафе е малко - 120 гр. за четири години, но важна е тенденцията. 

@j9naturally Fact or Cap 🧢, Coffee is Good for You ☕ Fact or cap 🧢- Coffee is good for you. FACT!!!! Dr. Janine presents an evidence-based analysis on the benefits of coffee. Coffee has several positive effects on the body. Firstly, it can increase energy levels by blocking adenosine receptors. Secondly, research has shown that coffee consumption is linked to a decrease in body fat. Lastly, Dr. Janine highlights studies indicating that coffee may have a positive impact on reducing symptoms of depression. To sum up, the scientific evidence supports the notion that coffee can be beneficial for our overall well-being. Follow for more natural health tips. #coffee #nutrition #factorcap #🧢 #wellness ♬ original sound - doctorjanine Bowring, ND

Учени от Харвардското медицинско училище в Бостън са използвали данни от три предишни широкомащабин изследвания за анализа си. Те са проведени от  1986 г. до  2015 г. 

@fat2fitclinic ⬇️READ THE CAPTION… These are 3 helpful things : 1️⃣ Drink Enough Water: At least 2-3 liters per day -One study in Pubmed found that drinking water can increase energy expenditure, this study has shown that drinking 500ml increased energy expenditure by about 30%, with a peak at 30-40 minutes after drinking water. It was also found that drinking water increased fat oxidation by about 25%. -Drinking water before every meal will make you feel full and satisfied, this method may not work for everyone, as individual results may vary. - Drinking more water can actually help reduce water retention, especially if caused by dehydration. Drinking water helps flush out excess sodium and other waste. 2️⃣Get Enough Sleep: At least 7 hours through your day - Studies have shown that lack of sleep can negatively affect metabolism. It is also worth noting that other factors such as diet and exercise have a greater impact on metabolism than sleep alone. - Sleep can help reduce cortisol levels. Studies found that individuals who slept for longer periods of time experienced a decrease in cortisol levels. 3️⃣Reduce Stress: -When people experience stress, their bodies releases stress hormones, which can increase appetite and cravings for high-fat and high-carbohydrate foods. -Chronically elevated cortisol levels can lead to weight gain. Cortisol is a hormone produced by the adrenal glands in response to stress. This hormone can cause the body to store fat, particularly in the abdominal area. #stress #emotionaleating #bodypositive #drinkingwater #sleep ♬ original sound - Fat2Fit Clinic LB

Изследването е установило връзка между пиенето на кафе и промяната в теглото, което означава, че участниците не са отслабнали или напълнели точно заради кафето. Възможно е например тези, които пият кафе със захар, да ядат повече сладки неща през деня. А тези, които предпочитат горчиво кафе съзнателно да намаляват захарта общо в храната си.  

@josephbarrera05 If you're like most people, you're probably not eating enough protein... When I start working with new clients, one of the first issues I address is protein intake. Most people do not eat enough protein in a day. Here are 3 reasons why protein is important for weight loss. 1. Decreases Hunger Studies have shown protein to increase the production of satiety-inducing hormones, GLP-1, peptide yy, and cholecystokinin while decreasing the production of the hunger-inducing hormone, ghrelin. In short, eating protein makes you feel more full and eat fewer calories overall 2. Thermic Effect of Food After a meal, your body burns calories in order to digest and absorb the nutrients from the meal. This process is called the Thermic Effect of Feeding. The thermic effect of consuming protein is 30%, for carbs is 5-10%, and for fats less than 3% What this means is that for every 100 calories of protein that you consume, your body will burn approximately 30 calories in order to metabolize the protein, leading to more total calories burned throughout the day 3. Preserve Muscle Mass When most people say they want to lose weight what they really mean is that they want to lose fat, not muscle Muscle is important for a variety of health reasons. In terms of weight loss, muscle is important for maintaining metabolic function, making weight loss easier and more sustainable. By consuming enough protein per day, roughly 1 gram per pound of bodyweight, you will be able to maintain more muscle during a fat-loss phase, thus preventing your metabolism from slowing down. Like and follow! #metabolism #weightloss #protein #healthcoach #healthyeating #nutrition #nutritioncoach ♬ Tell Me - Muspace Lofi

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