
Turkey: Locals concerned about cemetery for coronavirus victims near Istanbul

0 11.04.2020
W/S Drone footage of bulldozers digging graves, Istanbul *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
SOT, Lokman Kir, Local (Turkish): "We already had a graveyard, but then they buried the corona victims here. I cannot comment on this subject much but I guess there are precautions taken by the medics like disinfection and etc. I think I won't be harmed but I am happy with it. Whether I have questions in mind such as 'what if'? I am psychologically quite concerned but I found this way suitable, there is nothing to be done for the moment, the ones who are buried are buried, they might have chosen another more remote area."
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
SOT, Mustafa Yildirim, District leader (Turkish): "There is a great danger but they say that there is no risk at all. They also say that there won't be any active viruses on a dead body, so there is no risk for the schools. We have our water reservoirs down the road, we have Elmali Dam. They say that there won't be any risk for all those but as ordinary people we are concerned. Undoubtedly we are worried. It has the name. We are getting away from each other when we are close and when you say that there is no risk (of the coronavirus staying) on dead bodies people don't believe this. Lots of parents are calling us to ask what is going on. According to the state, there is no risk."
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Bulldozers digging graves *NO SOUND AT SOURCE*
W/S Van carrying coffin
W/S Bulldozers working
SOT, Halil Ibrahim Dilmac, Local (Turkish):"Right next to our family cemetery they are burying the coronavirus' victims, right next to us in mass graves and this bothers us a lot."
W/S Graves
M/S Men at cemetery
W/S Bulldozer working
M/S Vehicle
W/S Road and bus stop
M/S Stray dogs at bus stop
Drone footage filmed on the outskirts of Istanbul on Friday captured bulldozers digging what is believed to be graves for the coronavirus victims, as the country's fight against the pandemic continues.
Several graves can be seen ready, with a vehicle carrying a coffin approaching the cemetery.
Commenting on the cemetery, district leader Mustafa Yildirim said: "There is a great danger but they say that there is no risk at all. They also say that there won't be any active viruses on a dead body, so there is no risk for the schools."
"We have our water reservoirs down the road, we have Elmali Dam. They say that there won't be any risk for all those but as ordinary people we are concerned. Undoubtedly we are worried," he added.
Local Halil Ibrahim Dilmac also raised his concerns, "Right next to our family cemetery they are burying the coronavirus' victims, right next to us in mass graves and this bothers us a lot."
According to data compiled by John Hopkins University, as of Friday, Turkey has over 42,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus and 908 fatalities resulting from the illness.
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